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FLAC 96 $ 13.20
  • 1Be as You Come05:15
  • 2The Loom - The Woolen Cat04:57
  • 3Realism04:45
  • 4Lullablue05:18
  • 5Seguire05:46
  • 6Skein04:32
  • 7Chorale05:34
  • 8The Warp and the Weft04:04
  • 9Tihori04:50
  • 10Mottetto04:54
  • Total Runtime49:55

Info for The Loom - Chorale

THE LOOM, the new quartet led by bassist Giacomo Papetti, features some of Italy's most original and active improvisers: Achille Succi on bass clarinet, Fulvio Sigurtà on trumpet/flugelhorn, and drummer Nelide Bandello.

The project, while moving through contemporary harmonies and rhythms, draws inspiration from pre-tonal, ancient, and Renaissance polyphonic music. The desire to transcend boundaries between jazz, ancient music, folk, and free forms is strong. The absence of a polyphonic instrument allows for the highlighting of harmonic ambiguities, while the "vocal" approach of the three melodic instruments develops chorally, with multiple overlapping and independent lines intersecting continuously.

The instrumental roles are in flux: a succession of listening and action, from the subtlest dynamics upwards, where no one is a soloist in the strict sense but always part of a texture, of a further figure. The four musicians, in equal dialogue, give a fundamental role to improvisation in shaping the musical form. The affinity, on one hand, between textile art - the intertwining of warp and weft to form more or less evident designs - and, on the other hand, counterpoint - the simultaneous interaction of melodic lines - is manifested in the image of the loom. "Chorale," The Loom's debut album, is set to be released in May 2024 on Encore Music.

Fulvio Sigurtà, trumpet, flugelhorn
Achille Succi, bass clarinet
Giacomo Papetti, double bass
Nelide Bandello, drums

Giacomo Papetti
Electric/upright bassist and composer, Giacomo Papetti (1984) obtained a Jazz Master’s Degree (summa cum laude) in 2012 with a thesis titled “Beyond the standard” at the Conservatory of Brescia (Italy), that subsequently awarded him the Luca Marenzio Prize as best student of the year. Before that, he studied electric bass with the Italian sideman Charlie Cinelli (1996-2001), and classical double bass with Stefano Pratissoli (2001-2004).

He attended various improvisation and jazz masterclasses and workshops with many international musicians: Markus Stockhausen (2011), Drew Gress, Ben Allison, Scott Colley, Jack Walrath, Furio Di Castri, Riccardo Zegna, Paolino Dalla Porta, Giovanni Maier, Piero Leveratto, Stefano Zenni and others (Siena Jazz 2006 and 2009), Jim Black, Ben Monder, Theo Bleckmann, Piero Leveratto, Franco Testa. Currently he’s also active as teacher in several local music schools (bass, improvisation and jazz ensemble practice).

He played in gigs and on records with some amazing jazz and experimental rock Italian musicians (Emanuele Maniscalco, Fabrizio Saiu, Francesco Saiu, Simone Guiducci, Christian Thoma, Corrado Guarino, Gianluigi Trovesi, Francesco Cusa, Francesco Bigoni, Piero Bittolo Bon, Nelide Bandello, etc.).

In addition to Small Choices he’s also co-leading other ensembles: Birdcage (with Emanuele Maniscalco), Innerplay (improvisation and contemporary music didactics and performances with Fabrizio Saiu, Maurizio Rinaldi), Trio Lontano (with Francesco Saiu and Christian Thoma).

This album contains no booklet.

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