The Teak Project Jonathan Mayer

Album Info

Album Veröffentlichung:


Label: First Hand Records

Genre: World Music

Subgenre: Worldbeat

Interpret: Jonathan Mayer, Justin Quinn & Neil Craig

Komponist: Neil Craig, Jonathan Mayer, Justin Quinn

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Formate & Preise

FormatPreisIm WarenkorbKaufen
FLAC 96 $ 15,40
  • 1Deliver Me08:22
  • 2Leaky05:27
  • 3Outnumbered by One06:24
  • 4Emily09:45
  • 5Yamanish06:43
  • 6Without a Doubt05:23
  • 7Slow Down06:23
  • Total Runtime48:27

Info zu The Teak Project

The Teak Project is a mesmerizing modern-day incarnation of Indo-Jazz Fusions director John Mayer's work, featuring none other than his own son, Jonathan Mayer, a virtuoso sitar player. He is joined by Justin Quinn on guitar and Neil Craig on tabla for a disc rich in hypnotic jazz improvisations. Their musical influences range from British folk to Indian classical to modern jazz.

„At last - an East-meets-West to be proud of’ “If you are looking for something a little different, but with a sound world that hints at just the right amount of Indian and European influence then this CD is definitely worth a listen.” (Songlines Magazine)

“If there is a certain awkwardness in the way the Eastern and Western elements come together, this quality is entirely absent from the efforts of Mayer's sitar-playing son, Jonathan. While his Teak Project with guitarist Justin Quinn and tabla player Neil Craig doesn't break any new ground, they have created an understated and highly listenable blend of Indian classical, folk and jazz elements which shows how far the fusion phenomenon has come in 40 years.” (The Daily Telegraph)

“What's so attractive about the seven original compositions is the relaxed approach of the players and the easy interplay of sitar and guitar.” (The Independent)

Jonathan Mayer, sitar
Justin Quinn, guitar
Neil Craig, tabla

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