Mosaic Classical Guitar Favourites Michael Kolk

Cover Mosaic Classical Guitar Favourites

Album Info

Album Veröffentlichung:


Label: ALMA Records

Genre: Guitar

Subgenre: Classical Guitar

Interpret: Michael Kolk

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  • 1Rumores De La Caleta04:07
  • 2Variations Sur Les Folies D'espagne04:45
  • 3Prelude Fugue and Allegro BWV 998 Prelude02:55
  • 4Prelude Fugue and Allegro BWV 998 Fugue06:30
  • 5Prelude Fugue and Allegro BWV 998 Allegro02:20
  • 6La Catedral I Preludio Saudade02:17
  • 7La Catedral II Andante Religioso01:51
  • 8La Catedral III Allegro Solemne03:13
  • 9Endecha01:12
  • 10Oremus01:17
  • 11Granada05:23
  • 12Prelude No.203:06
  • 13Prelude No.503:42
  • 14Un Dia De Noviembre04:32
  • 15Prelude No.5 in E Major01:51
  • 16Danza Caracteristica02:03
  • 17La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin02:54
  • 18Danseuses De Delphes02:49
  • 19Lagrima01:53
  • Total Runtime58:40

Info zu Mosaic Classical Guitar Favourites

Geboren und aufgewachsen in Vancouver, lebt Michael Kolk mittlerweile in Toronto. Seine herausragenden Qualitäten als Gitarrist kamen bereits im Alter von 6 Jahren zum Vorschein, als er gerade begann das Instrument zu lernen. Mittlerweile hat er einen Performers ARCT Abschluss der Royal Conservatory of Music und einen Master in Guitar Performance der Universität von Toronto. Als Solist hat er bereits mehrere Preise bei nordamerikanischen Gitarren Wettbewerben gewonnen und trat bei unzähligen Festivals und in Konzerthallen in Italien, Estland, Deutschland und Nordamerika auf.

Mit seinem neuen Album „Mosaic: Classical Guitar Favourites“ möchte er nun noch einen Schritt weiter gehen und die zeitlose Schönheit einer virtuos gespielten klassischen Gitarre zeigen.

Michael Kolk, Gitarre

Michael Kolk
has performed at music festivals and concert halls throughout Europe and North America and has been called "one of the most musical guitarists performing and recording today" (This is Classical Guitar). Liona Boyd has described him as "one of the most brilliant and expressive classical guitarists I have heard in my life".

A winner of numerous guitar competitions, he has released two solo albums to date, as well as two albums as part of the Henderson-Kolk Guitar Duo. Michael has collaborated with musicians in both classical and popular genres and made his orchestral debut as soloist with the Toronto Philharmonia.

His most recent solo album, Mosaic, released by Alma Records in February 2014, was praised as "playing and musicianship of the highest order" by Whole Note Magazine. Originally from Vancouver, Michael currently lives and teaches in Toronto. He holds a Performer's ARCT from the Royal Conservatory of Music, and a Master's Degree in Guitar Performance from the University of Toronto where he studied with Jeffrey McFadden.

Booklet für Mosaic Classical Guitar Favourites

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