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  • 1My Ship05:01
  • 2Yesterdays02:53
  • 3Happy Days Are Here Again02:40
  • 4When I Fall in Love04:04
  • 5Londondarry Air02:18
  • 6April in Paris05:14
  • 7The Entertainer02:49
  • 8Tenderly03:20
  • 9How Deep Is the Ocean03:18
  • 10Autum in New York03:10
  • 11Greensleeves05:22
  • 12Send in the Clowns04:32
  • Total Runtime44:41

Info zu My Ship

„This solo piano set by George Shearing is quite eccentric and unpredictable. Freed from the constraints of his popular Quintet, Shearing lets his imagination loose on songs that include 'My Ship,' 'Happy Days Are Here Again,' 'The Entertainer' (which is turned into jazz after a rag beginning), 'Londonberry Air,' and -- unfortunately -- 'Send in the Clowns,' on which he makes the mistake of singing. Some of the classical allusions are a bit too cute, but Shearing's wit and charm eventually win one over.“ (Scott Yanow, AMG)

George Shearing, piano

Recorded June 25th 1974, Villingen by Hans Georg Brunner-Schwer in his private studio

Digitally remastered

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