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  • 1Intro01:17
  • 2Inhibitions03:47
  • 3Show & Tell03:31
  • 4Friendship Bracelets04:05
  • 5Heavy Head03:43
  • 6How Do You See The World?03:28
  • 7I Like What You Bring Out In Me03:52
  • 8Don't Do Anything Stupid04:46
  • 9Imposter Syndrome03:40
  • 10Moving Slow03:51
  • 11We See The World In The Same Way04:15
  • 12Hide & Seek03:16
  • Total Runtime43:31

Info zu Show & Tell

The new release "Show & Tell" combines a beautiful intimacy with a powerful contrast, the emotional cadence that resonates from the lyrics and harmonic delivery bouncing with the striking sounds and far-reaching melody that conquers the vision.

On her debut album, Bored at My Grandmas House explores a broad range of heavy topics including anxiety, friendship, introspection, love, human greed, mental health, loss and empathy (or a lack of it) in the world. Despite the breadth of themes covered, each track deals with the weight of the subject with real conviction, while not losing any of Amber’s trademark pop sensibilities. She elaborates a little more on the thematic process:

“The main overall theme of this album is connection. Connection with myself, connection with the world and connection to the people around me who I love. This album is for me first and foremost and was a way for me to internally process.

The origin of these tracks all stem from me wanting to understand these connections and process my emotions surrounding them. The album covers topics such as the power of queer love, humanity and its ‘delusions of grandeur’, reflection and purpose.

It would be unwise to say that I haven’t developed and changed a lot since my EP. I’ve experienced more, questioned more, felt more and allowed myself to be vulnerable more – which I hope translates throughout the Album.”

Amber has received support and coverage from DIY, Dork, Clash, Brooklyn, Vegan, Rough Trade, BBC Radio 1, BBC 6Music, Rough Trade and more in the past, and has played Glastonbury, BBC Radio 1’s Big Weekend, Swn Festival, Standon Calling, Deer Shed (main stage) and more.

Originally from Cumbria but now based in Leeds, Amber began recording music in 2017 using garageband on her phone; she updated her bedroom set-up after saving up to buy a laptop and Logic Pro. After a couple of years of self taught production and recording Amber began working with Clue Records, releasing her debut EP ‘Sometimes I Forget You’re Human Too‘ which gained critical acclaim and sold out two pressings all before Amber had ever played a single gig.

Amber wrote and recorded all the demos for her debut album in her bedroom, before taking them to The Nave studio where she worked with Alex Greaves to give them a studio twist, allowing them to fulfil their rightful potential.

"This album is for me first and foremost and was a way for me to internally process. The origin of these tracks all stem from me wanting to understand these connections and process my emotions surrounding them. The album covers topics such as the power of queer love, humanity and its ‘delusions of grandeur’, reflection and purpose." “It would be unwise to say that I haven’t developed and changed a lot since my EP. I’ve experienced more, questioned more, felt more and allowed myself to be vulnerable more – which I hope translates throughout the album.” (Amber Strawbridge)

Bored at My Grandmas House aka Amber Strawbridge

Bored at My Grandmas House aka Amber Strawbridge
In recent years Amber Strawbridge, from Whitehaven – better known as ‘Bored At My Grandma’s House’ has been storming the music scene with her unique, dreampop songs and this year will be flying the flag for Cumbria as she performs at Glastonbury.

Amber now lives in Leeds where she studies Songwriting and Music at University. Having only started playing guitar four years ago everything has snowballed for this 21 year old musician, she said: “I decided I wanted to learn to play guitar and so I got one and taught myself how to play through listening to music and videos. I then got a laptop and just started messing around making music and about 3 years ago I set up a soundcloud page and it went from there really.”

It was during lockdown that Amber really started to make music, she had time and lots of it which she used to develop her abilities and songwriting skills and it was then that she started to find her sound, she said: “I don’t really have a genre, it’s kind of indie with a lot of fuzzy guitar. Most people would describe it as Bedroom pop which is a relatively new genre but becoming very popular.”

Within the space of 3 years Bored at My Grandmas House has gone from still learning to play to becoming a signed artist and is now playing on the BBC introducing stage at the country’s biggest music festival, Glastonbury.

Amber said: “It has all happened so fast but it really is amazing. I had no idea i’d been put forward for Glastonbury. Tom Salmon from BBC Radio Cumbria called me and told me he had put me forward and Wolf Alice hand-picked a selection of us that were nominated and I was one of them! I’ve always been such a huge fan of theirs so it was really cool to be chosen by them.”

The future is looking bright for Bored At My Grandma’s House and next year we could see an album release, Amber explained: “I have my album demo’s all ready, now I just need to record it. Hopefully that will be done this year with hopes of the Album release in early 2023”

Bored At My Grandma’s House is definitely one to watch, we look forward to seeing where the future takes this young, ambitious, talented Whitehaven artist!

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