Album Info

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Formate & Preise

FormatPreisIm WarenkorbKaufen
FLAC 44.1 $ 13,20
  • 1Ballade dure07:54
  • 2The Bridge08:24
  • 3Abysse06:44
  • 4Deltaplane09:20
  • 5Balkan prijateli04:14
  • 6Réveil03:29
  • Total Runtime40:05

Info zu Trio

Strongly impregnated with the idioms of current American and European jazz, the original compositions of the "guitar trio" also reflect the eclecticism characteristic of the new generation of French musicians.

A beautiful rock energy, contemporary colors, underlying blues, multiple influences that allow the trio to interact with great freedom. Far from a juxtaposition of styles, the group offers a strong and coherent whole, lyrical, singing, favourable to all the games. The music is fresh, sometimes provocative, always very spontaneous and resolutely modern.

Carried by young musicians conscious of the heritage of their elders, the Cyril Bernhard Trio puts its creativity at the service of the music of tomorrow.

Cyril Bernhard, guitar
Louis Navarro, double bass
Jonas Chirouze, drums

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