Bernhard Wiesinger

Biography Bernhard Wiesinger

Bernhard Wiesinger

Bernhard Wiesinger
is an Austrian jazz saxophonist and composer.

Bernhard Wiesinger studied instrumental and vocal pedagogy (IGP) and saxophone at the Vienna Conservatory, graduating with honours in 2005. As part of his postgraduate studies, he completed two semesters at the renowned Berklee College of Music in Boston/USA (2005/06) and was awarded the title of Master of Arts in saxophone at the ‘Konservatorium Wien Privatunversität’.

In 2007 he was selected as a young talent in the MM Nachwuchsföderung.

Bernhard has been a lecturer at the International Jazz Workshop as part of the Poysdorf Jazz & Wine Summer since 2006 and was a lecturer for flute/saxophone/clarinet at the International Masterclass in Mistelbach 2009-2013.

He has played in China, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, USA, ...

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