Consort Mirabile

Biography Consort Mirabile

Consort Mirabile

Consort Mirabile
is a vocal and instrumental ensemble, specializing in Renaissance music while still maintaining a lively collaboration with contemporary composers. The founding members came together from different countries, drawn by a love for recorder consort playing. The inclusion of voices, sustained and enveloped by the recorders, is a distinguishing trait of the ensemble.

In 2016 Consort Mirabile was selected as one of the promising emerging ensembles by the International Young Artists’ Presentation (IYAP, Belgium). It regularly performs throughout Europe.

Consort Mirabile aims to bring the music of the Renaissance and its historical performance practice to a wide audience. It has also set itself the task of promoting new compositions for consort recorders and voice, transporting the colour and sound palette of Renaissance instruments into the contemporary music scene, and thus allowing listeners to enjoy the juxtaposition of musics from centuries far apart.

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