Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra & Mark Wigglesworth

Biography Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra & Mark Wigglesworth

The Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra (NRPO)
was established in 1945. Its current chief conductor is Markus Stenz and the American conductor James Gaffigan is principal guest conductor. The renowned conductor Bernard Haitink is patron of the NRPO. The NRPO has worked with the world’s foremost guest conductors and given first performances of works by, among others, Messiaen, Berio, Boulez, Carter, Adams, Adès and Ustvolskaya. As one of the flagship orchestras for the Dutch Broadcasting Authority, the NRPO occupies a prominent place in concert series in Amsterdam and Utrecht. The NRPO has also appeared at festivals in Edinburgh, Brussels, Strasbourg and at the BBC Proms, and has undertaken tours to Great Britain, Germany, Austria and Singapore. Recordings of Wagner’s Lohengrin, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg and Parsifal, performed by the NRPO, the Netherlands Radio Choir and vocal soloists under the direction of former chief conductor Jaap van Zweden, met internationally with great critical acclaim. The orchestra’s impressive discography has recently been replenished with recordings of works by Bruckner, Richard Rijnvos and Otto Ketting.

Mark Wigglesworth
is Music Director of English National Opera, with whom he has performed Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk, Cosi fan Tutte, Falstaff, Katya Kabanova, and Parsifal.

His other operatic experiences include Peter Grimes and La Boheme at the Glyndebourne Festival; Elektra, The Rake’s Progress, and Tristan und Isolde for Welsh National Opera; Cosi fan Tutte and Mitridate for the Bavarian State Opera; The Marriage of Figaro at The Metropolitan Opera, New York; Wozzeck and Pelleas et Melisande at La Monnaie; Don Giovanni and Peter Grimes at The Sydney Opera House; and Die Meistersinger von Nuremberg and Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny at The Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.

In the symphonic world, highlights have included concerts with the Berlin Philharmonic, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, the London Symphony, the Orchestra of La Scala Milan, the Santa Cecilia Orchestra, Rome, the Swedish Radio Orchestra, the Budapest Festival Orchestra, the Tokyo Symphony, and all the major orchestras in North America. In Australia he has worked regularly with the Sydney and Melbourne Symphony Orchestras and enjoys a special relationship with the Adelaide Symphony. In the studio, Mark’s recordings have centred on a project with BIS Records to record all the symphonies of Shostakovich. This cycle has received critical acclaim throughout the world. Live performances of Mahler’s Sixth and Tenth Symphonies have been issued by the Melbourne Symphony on the MSO Live label, and the Brahms Piano Concertos played by Stephen Hough and the Mozarteum Orchestra are available on the Hyperion label.

Mark Wigglesworth has been Music Director of Opera Factory and the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Associate Conductor of the BBC Symphony Orchestra, and Principal Guest Conductor of the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra. He has made a series of programmes for BBC Television entitled ‘Everything to Play For’, conducted regularly at the BBC Proms, and performed at the Edinburgh Festival and the Hollywood Bowl. A commitment to working with young people has led him to conduct the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain, the European Union Youth Orchestra, the Dutch National Youth Orchestra, the New World Symphony, and at the Aspen and Aldeburgh Festivals. He has given conducting master classes in London, Amsterdam, Stockholm, and Singapore.

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