Cover Torelli: 12 Concerti Grossi op. 8

Album info



Label: Tactus

Genre: Classical

Subgenre: Chamber Music

Artist: Roberto Noferini, Jérémie Chigioioni, Ensemble Locatelli, Chiara Cattani

Composer: Giuseppe Torelli (1658-1709)

Album including Album cover Booklet (PDF)


Formats & Prices

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FLAC 44.1 $ 14.50
  • Giuseppe Torelli (1658 - 1709): Concerto Primo [in Do maggiore]:
  • 1Torelli: Concerto Primo [in Do maggiore]08:51
  • Concerto Secondo [in La minore]:
  • 2Torelli: Concerto Secondo [in La minore]07:16
  • Concerto Terzo [in Mi maggiore]:
  • 3Torelli: Concerto Terzo [in Mi maggiore]07:55
  • Concerto Quarto [in Si bemolle maggiore]:
  • 4Torelli: Concerto Quarto [in Si bemolle maggiore]09:26
  • Concerto Quinto [in Sol maggiore]:
  • 5Torelli: Concerto Quinto [in Sol maggiore]08:13
  • Concerto Sesto «Per il Santissimo Natale» [in Sol minore]:
  • 6Torelli: Concerto Sesto «Per il Santissimo Natale» [in Sol minore]08:09
  • Concerto Settimo [in Re minore]:
  • 7Torelli: Concerto Settimo [in Re minore]08:37
  • Concerto Ottavo [in Do minore]:
  • 8Torelli: Concerto Ottavo [in Do minore]06:57
  • Concerto Nono [in Mi minore]:
  • 9Torelli: Concerto Nono [in Mi minore]13:25
  • Concerto Decimo [in La maggiore]:
  • 10Torelli: Concerto Decimo [in La maggiore]09:22
  • Concerto Undicesimo [in Fa maggiore]:
  • 11Torelli: Concerto Undicesimo [in Fa maggiore]11:08
  • Concerto Dodicesimo [in Re maggiore]:
  • 12Torelli: Concerto Dodicesimo [in Re maggiore]10:00
  • Total Runtime01:49:19

Info for Torelli: 12 Concerti Grossi op. 8

Giuseppe Torelli, whose native land was Veneto, is deservedly included among the composers who contributed to the renown and success of the Bolognese School, which was undoubtedly one of the keystones of Italian Baroque music, together with the Venetian, Roman and Neapolitan Schools. Torelli’s production that has been handed down to us includes almost 200 works, most of them chamber-music instrumental compositions and orchestral pieces with solo performers. Eight of these works are in print, practically all of them published in Bologna from 1686 onwards. The 12 concerti grossi con una Pastorale per il Santissimo Natale, posthumous work no. 8 from 1709, published by Felice Torelli, brother of the composer and celebrated painter, are undoubtedly his most inspired work, and not only for their extremely high musical quality. The collection is divided into two parts: six pieces are actual Concerti Grossi, while the other six are Concerti for violin and orchestra. The solo violinists Jeremie Chigioni and Roberto Noferini (already interpreter of the world’s first recording of Paganini’s Capricci on historical violin, v. Tactus TC781690) are at the head of the Ensemble Locatelli from Bergamo, concerted and directed by Chiara Cattani.

Roberto Noferini, Violine
Jeremie Chigioni, Violine
Ensemble Locatelli
Chiara Cattani, conductor, harpsichord

Chiara Cattani
Born in 1985, she is a harpsichordist, pianist and fortepianist. She teaches Harpsichord and Historical Keyboards at the Conservatorio 'E.R.Duni' in Matera and is Accompanist Harpsichordist of the Baroque Singing class at the Conservatorio 'G.B. Martini' in Bologna.

She obtained her diploma in piano at the Conservatorio 'B.Maderna' in Cesena under the guidance of Maestro Denis Zardi and that in harpsichord at the Conservatorio 'G.B. Martini' in Bologna, under the guidance of Maestro Silvia Rambaldi, both with top marks and honours. She then obtained a Second Level Degree in Harpsichord with 110, cum laude and honourable mention. She also graduated from the International Piano Academy in Imola in chamber music. Since 2006, she has passionately dedicated herself to the study of ancient keyboards. She has attended seminars and master classes held by M° L.F. Tagliavini, E.Fadini, M. Toni and D. Dolci. He studied fortepiano with Maestro Stefano Fiuzzi at the International Piano Academy in Imola.

She carries out an intense concert activity that has already seen her perform more than 400 concerts in major Italian cities as soloist, harpsichord continuist in chamber ensembles and soloist with orchestra. A prize-winner in several national and international competitions, her recordings include the complete collection of Giuseppe Sarti's sonatas for historical keyboards and in duo with flute and violin for the record company 'Tactus' in six CDs, together with violinist Roberto Noferini and flutist Silvia Moroni, and her participation in the recording of the CD enclosed with the magazine 'Amadeus' in December 2011, dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy. She published the book 'Giuseppe Sarti: cantabilità operistica nelle sonate per cembalo e violino' for the Collana Editoriale dell'Associazione Jervolino di Caserta.

She graduated in "History of the Ancient World" from the Faculty of Studies in Bologna with 110/110 cum laude, with a thesis in Papyrology on the profession of the musician in Egypt in the Greco-Roman era.

Ensemble Locatelli
Founded in 2014 by Thomas Chigioni, Ensemble Locatelli brings together young talents, united by many years of shared musical experience, with the aim of tackling baroque and classical repertoire, instrumental and vocal, paying particular attention to historical performance practice, with original instruments.

Motivated by a great passion for research and historical performance practice, the group works constantly to make pages of music from past centuries accessible to today's audiences.

Ensemble Locatelli goes against the trend of the cultural crisis in Italy: at a time when orchestras are closing down and it is increasingly difficult to carry on activities, Ensemble Locatelli has managed to consistently offer high quality products over the years in a completely autonomous manner, increasing the level of cultural proposals and the number of performances year after year. In a context in which the so-called 'brain drain' from Italy is becoming increasingly frequent, Ensemble Locatelli has managed to become a pole of attraction in which some of the best Baroque musicians of the new generation collaborate.

Trained at the Conservatories of Bergamo, Milan, Como, Parma, Genoa, Lugano, Vienna, and the Schola Cantorum in Basel, the members of the ensemble have over the years deepened their study of the performance practice of Baroque music with important masters.

The name of the ensemble is a tribute to the great Bergamasque composer and virtuoso of the Baroque era Pietro Antonio Locatelli, whose 250th death anniversary falls in 2014.

In 2015 it embarked on a tour in France, following which, given its success, it was invited to participate in a new series of concerts in summer 2016,2017,2018,2019.

In 2015, he collaborated with Bergamo's art and music high schools in a staged production of a portion of Purcell's "Fairy Queen"; in the same year, he performed "Membra Jesu Nostri", a masterpiece by Buxtehude, with the Coro Antiche Armonie (directed by Giovanni Duci).

In 2016, Ensemble Locatelli worked on the production of its first record: in October of the same year, the record dedicated to the "6 trio sonatas op.V" by P.A. was released. Locatelli, for the label 'Classica dal Vivo'.

In 2017, the group toured France with a cycle of 3 concerts entitled 'Les Nations', in which each performance explored the repertoire relating to one of the three princely nations of Baroque music: Italy, Germany, France.

In the autumn of the same year, the ensemble was invited to the prestigious 'Settimane Barocche di Brescia' festival, where, with a programme dedicated to Italian concerti grossi, it received wide acclaim.

In 2018, the ensemble brings Henry Purcell's Dido and Aeneas to the stage in a full and scenic version. In the spring, the programme 'Viaggio intorno al concerto grosso italiano' toured Switzerland and Germany, enjoying wide acclaim. In the summer of the same year, the programme 'Metamorphosis', dedicated to transcriptions for piccolo cello, violin, and basso continuo, was taken on tour in France and repeated in Italy.

The Ensemble Locatelli project, a real "musical start-up", is continuously growing, and given the increase in the group's activities, in 2019 "L'associazione Pietro Antonio Locatelli" was founded, thanks to which the first concert season of Ensemble Locatelli in the city of Bergamo was realised, as well as a summer tour with concerts in France and Germany.

To seal Ensemble Locatelli's fifth anniversary, a completely Vivaldian disc has been released in a double release for autumn 2019/spring 2020 for Amadeus / Panclassic , featuring the extraordinary participation of Luca Oberti as conductor and the contralto Alessandra Visentin.

In 2019 Ensemble Locatelli begins a collaboration with the Cappella Musicale della Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore in Bergamo, conducted by Maestro Cristian Gentilini. ...

Booklet for Torelli: 12 Concerti Grossi op. 8

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