Milano Saxophone Quartet

Biography Milano Saxophone Quartet

Milano Saxophone Quartet

Milano Sax Quartet
The Milano Saxophone Quartet was established thanks to four Italian musicians from four different parts of Italy: Trentino, Veneto, Sardegna and Lombardia. Thanks to their international education from the most world-renowned soloists in France, Austria and Italy they developed a virtuosity and a musicality today everywhere appreciated.

They performed in the best theatre in the world like: Konzerthaus Vienna, Gasteig Monaco, Cité de la Musique Paris, Teatro del Lago Cile, Taipei National Concert Hall and the Teatro alla Scala of Milano, Philarmonie Berlin.

They performed at different important festivals like the Festival Internazionale di Musica “A tempo”, XVIII Festival Internazionale del Saxofono di Fermo, Vienna Saxfest, Sardinia OrganFest 2014, Milano Musica, Alpen Classica Festival, Musica Riva Festival, Belgrade SAXperience, Chile Sax Fest, Opera Estate and many others. Moreover, they played world premieres of composers like Mario Pagotto, Sandro Fazzolari, Maarten De Splenter, Alberto Schiavo.

The activities of the quartet are numerous: concerts, research and collaboration with composer and discography activity.

MUSICA FICTA: the new cd production for the German label ARS. Starting from the re-elaboration of Salvatore Sciarrino with his “Canzoniere” da Scarlatti, the quartet developed a Program based on other interesting re-elaboration for Saxophon Quartet with important works of important italian opera composer like Verdi and Puccini.

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